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CoockiesSettings(); } } function CoockiesSettings(){ window.feEdQ.getJSON(app_url+'ajax/getCoockiesdata.php?store='+Shopify.shop, function(data,textStatusc, jqxhrc ){ if(jqxhrc.status == 200){ if(data.hasOwnProperty('enable_coockies')){ enaCookies = data.enable_coockies; if(data.enable_coockies == "1"){ if(data.hasOwnProperty('yes_coockies_day') && parseInt(data.yes_coockies_day) > 0){ yesCookies = parseInt(data.yes_coockies_day); } if(data.hasOwnProperty('no_coockies_day') && parseInt(data.no_coockies_day) > 0){ noCookies = parseInt(data.no_coockies_day); } if( data.force_coockies_update == "0" ){ dotCookies.set('__dot_CookiesUpdated', 'n', { expires: 365, path: '/', SameSite:'None', secure: true }); } if(typeof dotCookies.get('__dot_CookiesUpdated') === "undefined" || dotCookies.get('__dot_CookiesUpdated') == "n"){ if( data.force_coockies_update == "1" ){ dotCookies.set('__dot_yesButtonCookies', 'y', { expires: -1, path: '/', SameSite:'None', secure: true}); dotCookies.set('__dot_countryRelativeCookies', 'y', { expires: -1, path: '/', SameSite:'None', secure: true }); 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return false; } var jsonObj = {}; window.feEdQ.getJSON(app_url+'ajax/getlocation.php', function(cont) { window.feEdQ.getJSON(app_url+'ajax/getsettings.php?store='+Shopify.shop+'&lid='+cont.countryCode, function(data){ var set = data.settings, loc = data.location, cname = cont.country; var ip_text = '', exIp = set.excluded_ip, chIP = false; if(set.hasOwnProperty('excluded_ip') && exIp.indexOf(cont.IPv4) != -1){ ip_text = '

Redirect will not work because your IP is excluded form it.

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